The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, Monday, December 20, 1948 PAGE 19 PAGE 19 Race Track Bill Is Slated For Legislature King Wants One For Memphis Nashville interests will sponsor legislation to legalize parimutuel betting in Tennessee and authorize a horse-racing track at Nashville, Leroy King Jr. of Memphis said today. If such legislation is passed, he said, a West Tennessee group would like a track at Memphis. Mr. King said the group for which he is spokesman is not the same as the one which sought authorization for a track West Memphis, altho he was identified with the other group.

Memphis should be given the same opportunity to enter the racing picture as any other Tennessee city, if racing is made legal, he said. Revenue to State "The benefits of a racing law can and will provide revenue to this state," he said. "It will pay the veterans, for example, a bonus which they are certainly entitled to receive, without increasing the burden of taxation on others." Mr. King said "the many evils so claimed by many misinformed people as being a part of any racing plant have been grossly exaggerated." He said a track at Memphis would draw money for Memphis stores, hotels and restaurants. He pointed out that 23 states now have racing.

"These states find it expedient to encourage the correct outlet for legalized operation a sport of kings," he said, "a sport which is enrouraged by the King of England and which many of our own Presidents, including our own beloved Andrew Jackson, were engaged in." But One Side He said "the church people who voiced their protest (against the proposed track at West Memphis) were given but one side of this PRESS-SCIMITAR WANT ADS Bring Quick Results CALL 8-7431 To Place an Ad ARTHUR HOLMES-8-0888 IS IT BROKEN? We Fix Radios, Electric Refrigerators All Makes Washing Machines Lawn Mowers Sharpened HOLLIS APPLIANCE CO. 2416 Poplar 4-2148 HOUSE WIRING Electric ranges and water heaters installed. Industrial wiring and repair work. Young Electric 4-5153. (Licensed and bonded.

48-3671-WASHING MACHINES RADIO. REFRIGERATOR REPAIRS Pick up and deliver. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 3068 Southern.

DENTON RADIO APPLIANCE CO. FREE use of our radio while we repair yours. Pick up and deliver. Burns Radio Appliance 966 E. McLemore, 9-0321.

Nights, 48-6254. RADIO ACE APPLIANCE 3431 Summer 34-4408-L. T. Gatlin Call Nights and Sunday 48-3240. ELECTRIC WIRING Fred G.

Jones Electric 153 North Cleveland. Phone 36-6041. Floor Furnaces Cleaned Gas logs connected. Prompt service. T.

N. Vaughan, 48-3250 or 4-2289. ELECTRIC Irons, percolators, table lamps floor lamps repaired. Parts all makes Wallace Johnston Appliances, 760 Union. RADIO AND PHONOGRAPH REPAIRS WORDS AND MUSIC 2075 Union, Near Cooper.

36-7894 7-7506 STOVE REPAIRING 5-8533 Doors. valves. burners and controls Cason Stove Service, 836 Vance. DODGE-PLYMOUTH Service. Factory mechanics.

John (I'll Trade) Wellford 920 Union. 7-6400. We Fix It SERVICE PARTS, REPAIRS AND Floor furnaces, gas ranges, water heaters, washing machines, radios, electric irons and toasters. Service Appliance Co. 1031 Jackson Phone 2-5091 Nights and Sunday 34-6522 WE SERVICE AND SELL REFRIGERATORS SERVEL-GAS-BUTANE-KEROSENE KEROSENE BENDIX PRODUCTS FLOOR FURNACES- ALL MAKES MEMPHIS GAS ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO.

7-2514 794 S. Cooper 7-2515 ELECTRIC WIRING Home wiring, electric ranges and water heaters hooked up. Fixtures hung. Quick service on trouble calls. Master electrician in charge of all installations.

Summerall Electric Co. (licensed and bonded), 1238 S. Lauderdale. 9-853d SEPTIC TANKS And cesspools pumped out. Free Inspection.

Reasonable prices. Howard Summers-34-2807 REFRIGERATION AIR-CONDITIONING- HEATING Floor Furnaces Cleaned Prompt Attention to Calls MEMPHIS REFRIGERATION CO. Service Is Our Business 1275 Madison 36-2788 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped Out--Free Inspection ARTHUR HOLMES-8-0888 Personals READY CASH On Jewelry. Diamonds. Watches, Radios, Clothing.

Shotguns. Bagging. Etc. All Loans Private and Confidential NORTH MEMPHIS LOAN cO. (Established 1926) 252 N.

Main 8-1088 DO YOU need a friend? Are, you in trouble? There Is someone in Memphis who will help you. Call Central Christian Church. 7-2436. HAT CLEANING EXCLUSIVE Ladies and gents. Mail orders given prompt attention.

PHELAN THE HATTER, 52 N. Third. Memphis. BEFORE you buy your television. consult a television expert.

Our advice costs you nothing For information call Doyle Justice at 9-1025. FUR COATS remodeled, glazed. Fur accessories, hats designed. Mrs. Swindle, 1273 Carr, 36-2094.

FUR COATS REMODELED Latest Design Fur Accessories 2108 Linden, Mrs. E. G. Peace, 7-5184-J EXPERIENCED scolored boy desires house cleaning, party serving. 5-5870.

Special Notices "GAS HEAT" Low Summer Prices Now in Effect and 36 Months to PaP Have clean automatic gas heat nowinstalled. guarantee and serviced by one of the oldest and largest dealers in the Mid South We do our OWn work and every for is fully guaranteed and Insured Gas Boilers Air-Conditioning Unit Heaters Flour Furnaces Conversion Burners. Etc. ASSOCIATED SOUTHERN IND. J.

H. Van Natta R. P. Buckingham Serving Since 1921 Phone 2-8108 NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between C. H.

Allen and Lowell G. Hays, under the firm name of Allen Hays Hardware Company, doing business at 1557 Lamar Avenue, Memphis, has been dissolved by mutual consent as of Dec. 16, 1948. Lowell Hays having retired from said firm. The said Lowell G.

Hays will not be responsible for any debts hereafter incurred in the name of said firm. LOWELL G. HAYS. TO WHOM It May Concern: All pledges from 28.000 through 28.317 will be sold unless renewed or redeemed in 10 days. North Memphis Loan 252 N.

Main. AFTER this date. Dec. 15, 1948, 1 will not be responsible for debts other than my own. Edgar (Ed) Orman, 221 Poplar.

DANGEROUS Winter driving ahead. See us for free tire check-up. Shelby Tire 690 Marshall. "Tires Only." $18 More for Man Who Lost Hands Previously acknowledged $31.50 Received today: Mr. and Mrs.

Curtis W. Watkins 15.00 Mrs. Bessie Silverstein 1.00 L. F. Muller 2.00 Total today $18.00 Total to date $49.50 "Here is $1.

Wish it were more for this man who lost his hands. That was a terrible thing." So wrote Mrs. Bessie Silverstein, 316 N. Main, in a letter to The Press-Scimitar, inclosing a dollar bill for a fund started by readers for James A. Roach, of 3384 Buchanan, and father of two small children, whose hands were amputated following an accident at Buckeye.

The fund to aid the Roach family was started recently by Claud Phillips and W. L. Phillips. Roach, 29, served 22 months overseas with Claud Phillips, coming thru campaigns in England, France, Germany, Belgium and Czechoslovakia without injury. They became friends as the only two Memphians in their outfit.

Roach was shipped out the day before his oldest child was born. His misfortune at Buckeye came three weeks after he went to work there. He has been dismissed from St. Joseph's Hospital and is now at home. Hybrid tomatoes, with all the advantages of size, quality and production, are brought nearer to American tables by the discovery of a tomato plant that is unable to shed its pollen.

Where's the Fire? DEC. 18, 1948 A.M. Edith, two-story frame, caused by carelessness with oil lamp, small damage. alarm. S.

Parkway carelessness one-story with stucco, electric caused by iron, small damage. P.M. 9:19 -184 Linden, auto in street. caused by leaking carburetor, slight damage. DEC.

19, 1948 A.M. Austin, one-story frame, caused by smoking in bed, small damage. and Linden, auto in street. cause unknown, damage unestimated. P.M.

S. Wellington, one-story frame, caused by soot in chimney, slight damage. N. Second, one-story frame, cause. coal oil stove exploded, damage unestimated.

and Second, 12-story brick. caused by carelessness with cigaret, damage unestimated. Castle, one-story frame, caused by defective flue, slight damage. Salesmen Wanted -14 SECURITY SALESMAN- Calling all oldtimers--FM broadcasting station--Television application to preference- liberal commission--Deal wide open for officers and directors. Territory can be alloted.

WMFI Broadcasting 1867 Madison Memphis 4, Tenn. FURNITURE representative wanted, calling on decorators and fine furniture dealers. State lines carried and full particulars. Carfax, 625 Madison New York 22. Male Help Wanted -15 Street windows today are the dolls that school The Press-Scimitar.

The picture above shows doll is the name of the girl who did the work. which donated the 1500 dolls superthe windows to pack them for the Goodfellows the dolls will be presented to some deserving Jaycees to Cheer Crippled Adults Department Store Main dressed for Goodfellows of in the windows. Under each only a few days. Goldsmith's, soon remove the dolls from On that day each of blown-1 Arkanto and from peoto these foland love. people a sport in bring in Tenneed it have Shel- soil make it for raisonly racing picimportant For the 14th year, Christmas will come to Crippled Adults Hospital thru the efforts of the Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Jaycees and their wives, as in the past, working hard to mas more than 40 patients bring holidade happiness on Christat the hospital. A Christmas tree and decorations will be set up at the hospital, and candy, fruit and nuts will be presented to each patient. Each patient has been interviewed to determine he or she desires, and will try to meet all these requests with two surprise gifts for each patient in addition. Jaycees and their wives will meet on Thursday to wrap the gifts, Remodel, Repair, Paint WILL repair, remodel or build your home. Cabinets a specialty.

W. C. M'NEASE, 34-3613. Lost and Found REWARD--A reward of $100 will be paid for the return of a lady's platinum and diamond ring which was lost on Dec. 2 between Mason, and Stanton, after an auto accident.

The ring contained 5 diamonds, 2 of them small. Notify Webber Sterick Memphis, Tenn. 5-9731. LOST -In Chickasaw Gardens. Black and dark brown Welsh Terrier.

7 months old Resembles a miniature "Airedale." Has been clipped on neck, head and tail. Liberal reward. Walter Barry. 4-5611. LADY'S brown corde bag containing glasses, pen, papers, cash.

Near Stonewall and Poplar. Cash is yours for the return of the bag and contents. 2-6962. LOST in front of cashier's office, Sears, man's brown billfold, Ford badge No. 2689 pinned on purse, containing $26 currency, receipts, etc.

Brenton L. Smith, Rt. No. 9, Box 575. LOST: Black leather billfold containing valuables, in a cab or at Peabody and Waldran Saturday night.

Reward if returned. 2-2051. LOST vicinity Whitehaven, Capleville and Airways Road, brown and white collie pup answering to "Rusty." Phone Bob Langston, 34-2924. Reward. STRAYED--From 1246 Vinton, Dec.

16, very fat fox terrier, short legs. Answers to household pet 12 years, $10 reward. 4,9750. LADY'S gold rim glasses, Sunday moring, vicinity 1255 Overton Park or No. 3 bus to Britlings on Madison.

Reward. 2-2884. LOST--Lots of miles it you don't put Hawkinson Treads on your slick tires. Shelby Tire 690 Marshall. PAIR PLASTIC frame bifocal glasses in Britling'8 Cafeteria or Front St.

Saturday--reward. 9-4296. MALE LIVER and white pointer, vicinity of Lucy or Millington Tenn. Reward. W.

E. Venable, Lucy, Tenn. STRAYED from 3800 Carnes, black co*cker spaniel, license No. 19361. Reward.

4-0196. TAKEN UP. 1 mule, pay for feed and this ad. 48-7588. Schools.

Instructions VETERANS IF YOU are mechanically inclined and sincere in your desire to learn a skilled trade, we can help you to have a monthly income while training of $200 to $250 per month with part-time work and government subsistence. Training offered in: REFRIG-AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICITY-ELECTRONICS PRECISION INSTRUMENTS MACHINE DRAFT DESIGN HOUSING accomodations arranged for men and wives if necessary. Placement service after graduation. If interested visit or write Southern office INDUSTRIAL TRAINING bring letter of Eligibility, or Discharge for Interview, office hrs. 9 to 3 Sat.

till noon. 201 JerDel Memphis, 128 N. Court. Build Your Own TELEVISION Receiver Learn Radio Operating Announcing and Writing KEEGAN'S BROADCASTING SCHOOL G.I. Approved.

P. L. 16 and 346 36-7722 2091 Union ENROLL NOW LEARN TO EARN BIG PAY in REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING Approved for Veterans Day and Night Classes NATIONAL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 29 Hotel Ave. 8-4785 NEW CLASSES DAY. NIGHT CLASSES FOR COLORED ONLY ENROLL NOW Be Trained For the Job Which Pays HOTEL AND DINING CAR WAITERS Real food is handled in the training program.

ALONZO LOCKE MEMORIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE 517 S. Main 8-0243 LEARN WATCHMAKING OR JEWELRY MANUFACTURING Be a capable. proficient watchmaker. This school is accredited by the United Horological Association of America. Member National Association of Horological Schools.

Inc Approved for Veteran training under GI Bill of Rights. Write for free catalog. SOUTHERN COLLEGE OF WATCHMAKING. Inc. 83 N.

Second. Memphis, Tenn. MOLER BEAUTY COLLEGE LARGEST IN THE SOUTH FIRST AGAIN REGULAR BEAUTY CULTURE LESSONS TAUGHT BY TALKING MOVIES 146 UNION AVE -8-1004 DUE to many requests. Hemphill School, located in Memphis many years, now has available course In specialized automotive tune- up work for veterans ani civilians For full particulars phone or write. HEMPHILI SCHOOL, INC.

311 S. Main St. 37-3232 or 37-2309 COLLEGE- Grade courses in higher accounting, secretaryship, business administration. bookkeeping and stenography. Select student body.

G. I. approved. Day and night. Enter any time.

DRAUGHON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tel. 8-7457. HIGH SCHOOL Complete your high school at home in spare time with American School Texts furnished. no classes: diploma booklet free.

Write American School CPO, BOx 1650, Memphis, Tenn. BARBERING FOR Veterans and Non- Veterans Good positions always waiting MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Oldest and Largest 82 N. Second 5-8108 BOONE-HIGGINS College of WatchmakIng. 346 Beale Avenue, phone 37-7866. Memphis National Association of Horological Schools, Melvin H.

Conley, director. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES BOONE-HIGGINS TRADE SCHOOL. INC. A Trade for Negroes 148 E. St.

Paul Telephone 37-8435 MELVIN CONLEY. Director DIESEL ENGINE SCHOOLS HEMPHILL DIESEL TRAINING 311 S. Main Phone 37-3232 SUPERIOR beauty school approved by G. I. BIll of Rights for colored.

1550 Florida, 9-9005. Born To- BAPTIST Mr. and Mrs. W. L.

Webb, Whitehaven, a boy at 11:06 a.m. Dec. 18, 1948. Mr. and Mrs.

D. E. York, 959 Pennsylvania, a boy at 10:39 p.m. Dec. 18, 1948.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bigger, Marion, girl at 3:20 a.m.

Dec. 19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. T.

Goodwin, Ripley, a boy at 3:25 a.m. Dec. 19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs.

V. Speer, 291 S. Pauline, boy at 9:02 a.m. Dec. Mr.

and Mrs. W. B. Caldwell, 1075 Stafford, a girl at 9:42 a.m. Dec.

19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.

Caldwell. 1075 Stafford, a girl at 9:42 a.m. Dec. 19, 1948. Mr.

and Mrs. V. S. Davis, 254 Hollywood, a girl at 2:17 p.m. Dec.

19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. E. J.

McConnell, 2886 Spottswood. a girl at 11:53 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948. METHODIST Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Hamer, 3469 a girl at 10:26 a.m. Dec.

18, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. K. L.

Dunn. 373 Gaston, boy at 10:26 a.m. Dec. 18, 1948. Mr.

and Mrs. J. L. Levy, 191 N. Avalon, boy at 8:40 a.m.

Dec. 18, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Pugh, Osceola, girl at 8:16 a.m. 0. Dec. Emmons.

18, 1948. Earle, Mr. and Mrs. girl at 7:59 a.m. Dec.

18, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. H. P.

Perkins, Coldwater, a girl at 7:28 a.m. Dec. 18, 1948. Mr. and Mrs.

C. L. Deem, 326 S. Parkway girl at 6:43 a.m. Dec.

18. 1948. Mr. and Mrs. C.

Holley, 1046 Thomas, girl at 3:45 p.m. Dec. 18, 1948. Mr. and Mrs.

J. D. Prince, 3462 Faxon, boy at 9:08 a.m. Dec. 18, Robinson, 1948.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Forest Hill, a girl at 10:60 p.m.

Dec. 19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. H.

G. Smith, Route Memphis, a girl at 6:40 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948. Mr.

and Mrs. C. E. Bell, Parkin, girl at 5:45 p.m. Dec.

19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. C. Winningham, 420 N.

Waldran, a boy at 8:33 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Barnes, 3054 Chisca, girl at 8:55 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948.

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Venverloh, 355 S.

Reese, a girl at 5 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs.

R. W. Stockwell. 3832 Wayne, a girl at 4:20 p.m. Dec.

19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. A. T.

Tucker, Tunica, a boy at 12:58 p.m. Dec. 19,,1948. ST. JOSEPH'S and Mrs.

Merrill Ervin, Covington, a girl at 2:16 p.m. Dec. 18, 1948. Mr. and Mrs.

Huian Tutor. 784 Washington a girl at 5:00 a.m. Dec. 18, 1948. Mr.

and Mrs. John McAlexander, 3680 Johnson, and a Mrs. girl at 8:12 Hazouri, p.m. Dec. 18.

1948. Mr. Louis 3840 Marion, a boy at 8:22 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan, 2258 Nelson, boy at 8:48 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948.

Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, 1629 Lamar, girl at 3:45 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948.

Mr. and Mrs. Barney Harty, 3060 Meadow Brook Road, a girl at 11:20 p.m. Dec. 19, 1948.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilchrist 1572 Victor, a girl at 3:20 p.m.

Dec. 19, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Whitmore, 673 Chel- sea, a boy at 8:50 a.m.

Dec. 19, 1948. Cosmopolitan Life Ins. Co. Legal Reserve Insurance Cosmopolitan Funeral Home Ambulance Phone 2-2331 Male Help Wanted -15 NEEDED A.

F. OF UNITED ASSOCIATION PLUMBERS AND FITTERS Two-year construction project at Kalamazoo, Mich. All inside work. Transportation paid to Kalamazoo after 30 days and return after 90 days employment. For information contact your local business agent or the Wolfe P.

O. Box 431, Kalama200, Mich MAN to operate dairy, located 40 miles South of Memphis, near small town. Good salary to reliable man. Ph. 4046, Senatobia, Miss.

WANTED Colored delivery boys, 16 yrs. or older. Apply ready for work. 1291 Male Help, Laborers -16 $57.00 PER WEEK for 63 hours including overtime. Pay off every Saturday night.

No holdback. Men, white or colored, wanted for clearing land of willow brush near Joiner, Ark. Room and board if wanted at $10.50 per week on credit. Can use 25 men. See Mr.

Hunter688 Shrine Bldg. Front and Monroe Ave. Memphis, Tenn. Shipping Out MONDAY, 11 A.M. 3-ROOM house and 1 or 2 horse crop.

48-7588. Help Wanted, Either Sex -17 MUTUAL 412 Goodwyn Inst. Bldg. 37-8671 "Veteran Owned and Mech. young, grad.

Open Bookkeeper, know mchy. Laundry, exp. Male Steno. $200 Drafting Trainee Open Hotel Chef, exp. $225 Route Sales, dairy Open Inside Sales, several openings Open Outside sales, car openings in all fields.

FEMALE Pay Roll Clerk, exp. $150 Bookkeeper, bills, exp. $175 Stenos, beginners, $125 to $150 Stenos, $150 to $200 Typist, downtown, 3 meals salary Open Dictaphone 5 days, beginner. $140 Gen. office clerks $125 Cashier, exp.

Open File clerk, good future Sociology major $200 Sales positions, several, permanent Fountain girls Open MANY OTHER OPENINGS Corner Third and Madison SAUNDERS MALE Sales, potential h.s. grad $200 Shipping clerk, intelligent $190 Clerical, legible handwriting $140-50 Office boy, future $1.15 Maintenance, washing machine repair Open FEMALE Secretary, 2 afternoons week off $200 Stenos. Opening for three $150 Burroughs bookkeeping machine operator $150-160 File clerk. Exp. 5 days $135 Typist.

Accurate. days $125 SAUNDERS 512 Dermon Bidg. 5-8457 DRU-FAYE 212 81 Madison Bldg. 37-1461 FEMALE Exp. floral designer Open Bookkeeping machine opt.

Exp. 21- 35, 44 hr. week $150 up Hostess, attractive, 21-30 Open Steno, 5-day, 21-35 $1.50 up MALE H. C. edu.

Ship and recy. $190 up Stock clerk, neat penmanship, H. S. education, 21-26, 5-day $175 up Exp. I.B.M.

nights $240 up Many jobs not listed. WANT more money? Establish a highly profitable business of your own. Supply consumers with household necessities, toiletries and other products. No capital necessary. Interview In your home if desired.

Call Mr. Benton. 9-7661. TELEPHONE soliciting. Personal Interviewer.

35-45. Write P-42, care this paper. Teachers Wanted -19 WANTED First and second grade (white) teachers. Salary $2100 for nine months work. Send information as to where, how much experience and college training first letter to R.

E. Hood, Superintendent. Brunswick, Ga. WANTED- Veteran's Agricultural teacher at DeValls Bluff High School, DeValls Bluff, Ark. Salary $2400, plus mileage, per year for two years college.

$3000 plus mileage for 4 years college. TEACHER- FOr first or fourth grade. Salary above Arkansas schedule according to qualifications. Live in teacherage. Call or write by Dec.

22. Lowell K. Ogden, Dyess, Ark. Female Help Wanted -20 NATIONALLY known photographic cern has openings for young Ladies to travel throughout Tennessee starting in January. Guaranteed salaries, transportation furnished.

Rapid promotions. Excellent future. Write Box 391, Chattanooga, Tenn. Clerk-Receptionist, $150 Neat girl with personality, typing, helpful, meet public, handle credit. COME TO INDEX- S.

COURT Burroughs Posting, $160 Up Must have experience acct. receivable. Permanent. Good firm, to 40 years. COME TO- 107 S.

COURT STENOGRAPHER Young and competent. for position with future in publishing field. Apply 923 Sterick Bldg. BEAUTY OPERATOR Guarantee and Commission. Nice clientele to serve.

Call Mrs. Gould, 7-2122. WANTED cashier. Must have high school education and experience in zeneral office work. Apply Manager's Office, Malco Theater.

FIVE experienced white waitresses, permanent positions, Caswell, not Hotel for Chisca Xmas Grill. Apply Mr. Marriage Licenses Robert Frank Boswell, 21 plus, and Thelma Marie Handley, 21 plus. Arthur Harris Lutman, 20, and Nancy Belle, Kernon. 19.

William Harold Bomar, 22, and Billie Carter. 19. Ralph Gary Pope, 29 and Gloria, Frances Triplett, 23. Curtis Flanigan 22, and Jean Ferrell Dannreuther, 1L Death Notices RUBENSTEIN- -At Baptist Hospital Sunday morning, Dec. 19, 1948, at 8 o'clock, Sarah Rubenstein; mother of Harry Rubenstein of New Orleans, Mrs.

Jettie L. Lehman of Obion, Isadore Rubenstein of Union City, and Miss Fannie Rubenstein of Memphis; sister of Mrs. Abe Ross, Mrs. Harry Engleberg, Mrs. Sam Seligman.

Sam and Harry Rubenstein of Shaw. Mrs. Harry, Dattel of Sunflower, Mrs. Bessie Balkin of Drew, and Joe Rubenstein of Booneville, Miss. Funeral services, conducted by Rabbi Isadore Goodman, were held from Abraham Memorial Chapel, this (Monday) morning at 11:30 o'clock.

Interment in Baron Hirsch Cemetery. Thompson Bros, Mortuary. HILL--In Germany, Aug. 9, 1945, Pet. Junie Curtis Hill, son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. B. Hill of Collierville, brother of Mrs. Elton Hart, Mrs.

V. T. Bryan, and Henry Hill, all of Collierville, and Mrs. C. W.

Billingsley of Memphis. Military funeral at the grave, Magnolia Cemetery. Collierville, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends invited. W.

W. Hutton Funeral Directors In charges. HAYLEY- San Diego, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 14, 1948. at 2 o'clock, Frederic Falconnet Hayley, aged 38 years: husband of Mary Hunt Hayley: father of William Bright Hayley and Cornelia Hayley; 801 of Mrs.

William Henry Hayley, all of this city. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev. Dr. Charles Stuart Hale, will be held at the funeral residence of J. T.

Hinton Son. 1160 Union Avenue, this (Monday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment in Elmwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be George Hayley, Alston Boyd III, Sam Pharr, Francis Hudson, Fred Thesmar and Kenneth Stewart.

ALLYN-At the St. Joseph's Hospital, Sunday afternoon, Dec. 19. 1948, at 4 o'clock, Emma Isele Allyn, aged 69 years; wife of Herbert S. Allyn; mother of Herbert S.

Allyn daughter of Mrs. Louise Isele: sister of Tony Isele and Mrs. J. C. Jones, all of Memphis; grandmother of Nancy Peeples Mohr of Washington, D.

great-grandmother of Jackie Mohr of Washington, D. C. Funeral cortege will proceed from the Cosmopolitan Funeral Home, 1900 Union Avenue, tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 8:30 o'clock for St. Anne's Catholic Church. where mass will be said at 9 o'clock.

Friends are invited. Interment in Forest Hill Cemetery. DIVIDEND NOTICE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Memphis MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE A quarterly dividend of three (3) per cent on the Capital Stock of the First National Bank of Memphis has been declared by the Board of Directors, payable on January 1, 1949, to stockholders of record at the close of business December 25, 1948. Dividend checks will be mailed to stockholders on January 1, 1949. H.

L. SCOTT, Cashier. -20 Services Offered FURNITURE repaired, refinished and holstered. Chelsea Furniture 898 Chelsea, 37-8848. Business Opportunities -30 EARN GOOD MONEY SELLING AS GOOD PRODUCT REXAIRS COME TO 350 POPLAR, OR WRITE P.

O. BOX 4352, MEMPHIS ATTENTION--Stock of dry goods for sale consisting of good staple merchandise for men, women and children. Give us a decent price and we will trade instantly. 987 Mississippi. COMPLETE equipment for small shoe shop.

Old but good. Straight needle only, $465. Hurry. 31-7538. Business for Sale -31 COTTON GIN This is complete ginning set up.

acres of land, large waiting shed, 05 seed houses, 2 chutes, gin office and scales, Gin Is powered by Cummins Diesel building engine, has 150 concrete horse floor. power. This Gin stand, 2 suck No. 70 Continental Gin, has Mitchell FEC cleaner. On hand now enough bagging and ties for about 250 bales.

So far this year has ginned 1550 bales, at 45c per hundred. Has commitments that should run over 2200 bales next year. Located in the edge of the Delta, in Mississippi, about 90 miles from Memphis. $15,000.00. BAINE SELLING AGENCY 107.

Court 5-2814 TOP BUYS CAFE- Union Ave. A-1 location. Short orders, beer. $5000; terms. CAFE Madison Ave.

Seats 30. Nice trade, Bargain at $4500; terms. CAFE- Seats 55. High-grade cafe. Choice location.

$6500 handles. GROCERY-With living quarters. Owner Ill. Sacrifice. $5250.

N. Memphis spot. Price cut. $2350 handles deal. BEAUTY SHOP -Near Crosstown.

Highclass shop. A real buy at $3500. SERVICE STATION--On Union. $3500 invoice or walkout this week. DRUG SUNDRY- Corner store, mixed trade.

Snappy location, Reduced. Sadler Business Service SHRINE BLDG. CALL 37-1611 GENERAL repair shop, keys, lawn mowers. Can do any kind of work. Nice 3 rooms and bath bungalow.

New shop building, lot Garden spot, fruit trees and pecan trees set out. Will trade for farm property or straight sale. Business and property, $8500 for both. Well established bustness. A.

A. Sharp, Box 285. Cleveland, Miss. Phone 147. Age and illness.

CABINET AND MILL WORK SHOP Out East corner lot 50x248; 29x65 with concrete bath, kitchenette. Property, bustshop building, plus apartment ness, equipment, stock and truck. all for les sthan value of property, Opportunity to net $1000 per month. Shown by appointment only. 48-6994 Blackard Leggett 34-4071 37-5694 State Realty Co.

37-8960 OUR 1948 SPECIAL GROCERY AND MARKET with living quarters in one of the best spots in Shelby County. This is truly a sacrifice, and If you really want a grocery you won't pass this 37-6064 CARL H. RICHARDSON with FRED A. RICHARDSON, 48-4598 FURNITURE REPAIRS AND CABINET SHOP Old established location, good equipment, low rent, sacrifice for quick sale. 7-1026 H.

E. WILBANKS 34-4179 PRICE REDUCED COUNTRY GROCERY and living quar ters, new fixtures, property and all for sale. Owner has good reason for selling and will show sales figures. 37-6064 CARL H. RICHARDSON with FRED A.

RICHARDSON, 48-4598 Grocery- Living Quarters Doing better than $1000 per week. Located in growing section. Five-year lease. Reasonable rent. sell quickly.

$6500, walkout. 7-1026 H. E. WILBANKS 34-4179 NEW BRICK building, new grocery with large parking lot, storage room, compiete new fixtures, full stock, doing good business, excellent location. will sell fixtures and stock, will lease building, reasonable.

34-3944. SUBURBAN GROCERY MARKET with living quarters, well located and doing good business. Large colored trade. The price Is right. CARL H.

RICHARDSON with 37-6064 FRED A. RICHARDSON 48-4508 NOTICE to grocery store owners. We have several clients for grocery stores, but we are sold down. you are Interested in selling. call us today.

CARL H. RICHARDSON with 37-6064 FRED A. RICHARDSON 48-4508 PROMINENT HIGHWAY BUSINESS Auto supplies, service station, grocery, market, wing quarters. Very profitable Other interest forces sale. Walkout, $7500.

See or call NEWMAN, 612 Columbian Tower, 5-5364 CLOTHING and merchandise store. Located in 200d town 135 miles from Memphis. $75,000 year business. WIll sell at inventory price: established 35 years. Call Newman, 5-536.

STORE, small stock, good trade, 6-100m house, outbulidings, one acre land, near Millington, $3000 down or late model car as part down payment. 37-7014. 8-0106. RESTAURANT, colored patrons only. can be operated by white or colored.

On Thomas, doing $4500 per month. Good lease. Newman, 614 Columbian Tower. 5-5364. FOR LEASE High class dinner and night club, completely equipped.

Including apartment. Long lease destred. $2450 handles. Newman, 614 Columbian Tower. 5-5354.

BEAUTY shop. Best location. 375.00 month. Includes everything. Phone 2818, Blytheville, or write Mrs.

Warren Price, 1422 Latham, TRAILER-Wagon manufacturing equipment, buildings and land. Owners own trailer patent Health forces sale. $51.000. Newman Bus. 5-5364.

co*kER'S Cafe, Market Grocery and Service Station is for sale. See or write co*ker, Amor, Man. Phone GROCERY, notions, good business, cheap rent, real buy. Walkout. $1250.

Ideal for lady or couple. Newman. GROCERY, market, good neighborhood. Well stocked, good equipment. 82950 handles Call Newman, 5-5364.

AND 10 CENT STORE. only 8400; rent 150, long Lease. Better burry. Burnette Realty, 34-4374. FILLING station.

This It. Close in. Inventors price, $1500. Burnette Realty. 34-4374.

FIRST class package delivery, including truck and office equipment. 48-6480 or 37-0436. TO SELL your businers quickly, confidentially for cash, large or small, see or call Newman Business Exch. 5-5364. TO SELL your business, large or call Rad H.

Daniel 37-8354. Death Notices Union Avenue. FOR FUNERAL FLOWERS CALL OWEN'S FLORIST Phone 2-1231 1455 Union Open Sunday Till 1 p.m. AGNES M'RINNON COUGHLIN 9-0389 Brooks Avenue FLORIST Sprays and Designs for Funerals FOREST HILL CEMETERY Most beautiful, greater area, larger care funds, convenient location. Burial lots at modest Death Notices MONUMENTS AND MARKERS See our display of beautiful monuments and markers.

Delivery In 30 days. Moderate prices. Phone 8-5466, Memorial Studios. 889 Supervisor. CALL ORKIN TODAYAND KEEP RATS AWAY! CALL 8-7311 Offices Exchange Building ORKIN prices.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of trict Supervisor, Alcohol Tax Unit, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Louisville, Ky. Date of first publication, December 20, 1948. Notice is hereby given that on December 12, 1948, one 1939 Ford Sedan, Motor No. 18-4902337, with accessories, WAS seized in McNairy County, for violation of the Internal revenue laws, to wit: Section 3321. Internal Revenue Code.

Any person claiming an terest in said property must appear at the office of the investigator in charge, Alcohol Tax Unit, 711 Third National Bank Nashville, and file claim and cost bond as provided by section 3724. Internal Revenue Code, on or before January 19, 1949, otherwise the property will be disof according to law. H. B. Taylor, District Supervisor.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of trict Supervisor, Alcohol Tax Unit. Bureau of Internal Revenue, New Orleans. Louisiana. Date of first publication, December 20, 1948. Notice is hereby given that on November 18- 23, 1948, one 1941 Ford Tudor, Motor No.

6615453, with accessories, was seized in Shelby Internal County, Revenue Tennessee, Laws, to wit: Section 3321, for violation of the Internal Revenue Code. Any person claiming an interest in said property must appear at the office of Investigator in Charge, 100 Alcohol 19, 1949; otherwise the property will be disand cost bond as provided by Section 3724. a Tax Unit. 203 Costas Building, Minerva Street. Jackson, Mississippi, and file claim Internal Revenue Code, on or before January posed of according to law.

Fred C. Farrell, District Supervisor. IN FOUR OF GOLDSMITH'S girls of Memphis have part of the crowd looking The dolls will be on display vised the dressing, will Santa Claus party Friday. young girl. picture.

They were given a up picture of the evils. "Kentucky to our north, sas to our west and Louisiana our south, as well as Florida Maryland, draw interest ple in our state who go states 'to spend their money lowing a sport they enjoy Why not give these their co own home state and chance to enjoy this same outside capital here? "We need this revenue nessee and not only do we in Tennessee this revenue in Mementband by County." He said Tennessee's climate, and tradition combined to one of the best locations ing thorobred horses. "We lack the interest in the ture to stimulate this farm enterprise and industry." Special Notices SUSIE will be delighted with Foam for Xmas. Cleans rugs and upholstery perfectly. Goldsmith's, Housewares Dept.

LUZIER'S fine cosmetics and perfumes distributed by Donna Cooper. 7-0198-J. Movies, Cameras, Films PRESS CAMERA. Ectar Sol gun, Kolart range-finder; holders, tripod, lens, shade and filters; 4x5 No. 450 Federal enlarger; 4x5 Eastman, all metal printer, film tank, dryer, timer, paper cutter, exposure meter and traps.

sell. 4-2672. 775 Watson. Auto-Rollieflex, Ikoflex III, German 9x12 press camera. For sale or Busch Pressman, Rolliecord, Ikoflex I and complete dark room.

34-1741 or write B. B. Parks, Poplar Memphis, Tenn. PRACTICALLY new 8 mm. Revere camera for sale.

34-8680. Swap your old tires tor Winter -proof S. Royals, or get good used ones, brands, cheap. Shelby Tire Marshall. AUTOMATIC gas not water tanks, 20 30-gallon.

Will trade. What have O. B. Cash. 1203 Chelsea.

5-1511 HAWAIIAN Guitar with case, swap for 26 Inch bicycle. 48-6993. Remodel, Repair, Paint Proud of Your Kitchen modern kitchens. Completely installed in your home, with no inconvenience to you. We handle everything.

Consult our kitchen specialist details, regarding a beautiful economical kitchen in your home. See KITCHENS BY BIRCHFIELD, INC. 1323 JACKSON 36-2333 TILE -TILE -TILE Asphalt- -Ceramic sowest prices in modernizing your bath and kitchen FHA terms, 36 months to pay Call for free estimates. CUSTOM TILE INC. Summer 48-8498 CONCRETE DRIVES Installed as low as $12.00 down and $3.48 per month.

GARAGES, $375.00 $38 down and $10.75 per month. CASE CONTRACTORS 67-9626 34-2613 QUICK SERVICE can accept remodeling again now, converting your extra space into living and adding new rooms, Installing fans, rockwool insulation. FHA terms, up to 36 months to Day. PAYNE BUILDING co. York 7-2841 CONCRETE DRIVES PORCHESCall us for free estimates BONDED FHA APPROVED CHEROKEE IMPROVEMENTS CO.

36-1104 36-1104 ONE CALL-ONE LOAN Any time for free estimate on complete home repairs and any 1m- provements you have in mind. HOWARD MORRIS co. HARVEY HUDSON. Contracting Dept. 3523 Walker.

34-5531 MODERNIZE painting and papering, repairing, remodeling, underpinning. FHA terms. White labor, BERLIN-CAMPBELL CO. Day 34-8383. Night 2-9061.

PLASTIC TILE bath or kitchen beautiful. Made Styron by Dow. Call today for free estimates. 1278 Madison. AETNA MODERNIZING co.

Mr. Warwick chimneys, furnaces, cleaned, repaired. We stop them from smoking. Saggings sills and joists replaced, also underpinning. Home and commercial brush or spray painting.

Lowest prices. estimates. Chas. E. Spencer, 35-5739.

EXTRA ROOMS? We specialize adding rooms to or converting porches into extra rooms, modernizkitchens, etc. Call for free estimates. H. D. PERRY 35-1541 WHY DO IT TWICE? DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME specialize in first -class decorating Central Home Improvement 34-5841.

C. H. I. 48-0896. PLASTERING Residential--Commercial Work Guaranteed.

Free Estimates E. F. BLANK 48-4853 CONCRETE driveways. sidewalks. retaining walls and pertinent structures.

W. 7-7331 Wallpaper Steamed Off DO THE WORK OURSELVES LABOR, W. VESPO. REPAIRING and remodeling of anykind. Phone 4-0073.

Ask for S. W. Maxwell 20 years' experience. FHA terms. REPAIRS- -New additions.

Garages, cabinets a specialty. Concrete work all kinds. Free estimates. R. P.


FHA TERMS W. A. OSWALT. 4-0305. 34-7038.

DECORATING- -PHONE 4-1117 papering, painting, $8 room up. Steaming and plastering, White work. Free estimate. Driver Brothers. PAPERING.

steaming, painting. Better expert work. White labor. Quick servThompson Driver, 48-5257. TERMITE damage repaired.

sills and joists replaced. Houses underpinned. Atkins 2-0921 or 7-0687-J. CARPENTER. repairs, floor Joist replaced, floors leveled, fencing, roofing, leaks fixed.

Jimmie Pradd. 48-4680. PAINTING inside and outside. neat work. fair prices.

References. I. W. Kellv. 7-2428-J.

FLOORS SANDED, refinished, waxed and polished. Expert, prompt, reasonable. Free estimates. R. B.

White. 7-4198-J. repaire. leaks fixed. all types of roots.

All work guaranteed. Also roofs painted. C. L. Morgan.

5-2086. LARGE floor sanders. edgers, butfers rent, delivered and instructions. L. Duffe I.

Floor Contractor. 4-0615. PAINTING. plastering. paper cleaning.

papering. Neat work. reasonable rates. K. Biggs, 8-2783, 11-3 p.m.

PAPERING. painting, plastering. steampaper. Free estimates. Work guaranteed.

T. P. Greene, 48-9676. RADIO and refrigerator repairs. Pickup and delivery service.

Poppenhelmer Repair Shop. 1688 Lamar. 2-5786. EXPERT REPAIRS On all makes and models radios. POPPENHEIMER, 1588 LAMAR PLASTERING, invisible patchwork, clean.

estimate. Percy 4-0804. District Election Wednesday For Exchange Club Exchange Club's board of control will elect a new president Wednesday at a meeting scheduled for 12:15 p.m. at the Hotel King Cotton. The other officers, elected by the membership, will be installed at the regular club meeting tomorrow at 12:15 p.m., also at the King Cotton.

New officers are: Emmel Golden, first vice president. Jack Guinee, second vice president. Robert Hasselle, third vice president. Garner Ransom, secretary-treasurer. Directors- James G.

Brooks, Jack Pipkin and J. Farmer. Dr. William Cason is the president now. then, from while to 9:30 Friday night, they at the hospital to help with the party.

AUNT Fina 4x5 lens, three easel; cut Must trade Call 2442 Let's SWAP U. best 690 and vou? boy's Be few for For 2545 We units attic 2101 35-2483 Expert Makes of 7-1051 ROOFS, Free NEED in ing 36-4576 We only. Floors. WE WHITE of Expert ice. ROOF for G.

W. ing Schools, Instructions COLORED VETERANS You Can Learn to Earn BIG PAY Day and Night Classes In Household Appliances And Refrigeration G. I. APPROVED To enroll see Mr. Bob Colored Trade School Division of National Vocation School 2165 Latham St.

9-6781 THE MEMPHIS BEAUTY SCHOOL Earn Tuition While Learning 1372 Overton Park 2-8714 Christmas Suggestions SPECIALS GIFTS Selmer alto saxophone, gold plated. 120 Bass Hess Accordion $149.50 Pocket Wrist watches Reas. Diamond wedding sets. Out of pawn, $10.00 up. Platinum Fishtail wedding rings Reas.

Ladies 1 carat diamond rings, $795.00 up Cameras, radios, field glasses. M. WEINMAN Terms If Desired 108 Beale Ph. 8-4418 20 Steps Off Main XMAS GIFTS FOR YOUR PETS Toys Beds Sweaters Carriers Harness Collars Bird Cages and Stands Goldfish and Bowls Complete Line RUSSELL-HECKLE SEED CO. 16 S.

Front. Memphis, Tena. XMAS TREES savings. Just outside city on right of 51 and 61 Highways South. LET us build you a Christmas garage complete in 2 days! Turn your garage into a playroom in one day.

Any type carpentry handled quickly and easily by B. G. BUILDERS, 36-9918 GOLF EQUIPMENT SALE The ideal Christmas gift, special bargains, balls, bags and clubs. We have what you're looking for, Avoid Christmas crowd. Bill Perry.

Cherokee Golf Course, Lamar Ave. 4-9485. XMAS for the whole family- a set of U. S. Royal Air-Ride tires will make that family car ride like a honey, Shelby Tire 690 Marshall.

SHETLAND Ponies, 20-inch boy bicycle for sale. 35-0088. LIONEL electric train. 3228 Union Extended. 34-1266.



Marco Ignition Mfg. Inc. 2320 S. WESTERN AVE. CHICAGO 8, ILL.

$200 PER MO. GUARANTEE For men with proven record of direct to home selling, our men are earning $500 to $600 per month selling sensational Futex Air Purifiers and Vacuum Cleaners. Excellent future as we are opening Ark. and Miss. This ad covers men from any section in these states.

Will place you in 1m- mediate charge of branch operations if your record merits. These jobs pay from $5000 to $10,000 per year. APPLY FILTEX SALES SERVICE 201 So. Cooper NATIONAL Drug Concern wants aggressive salesman with. merchandising knowledge and experience in calling on drug retail and wholesale outlets.

Territory headquarters Memphis, working Western Tennessee, Arkansas, Loufsiana. Mississippi. Salary, expenses paid, car furnished, opportunities for advancement. Write G-147, giving age, education and experience in detail. Personal interviews In about two weeks.

SALESMEN CREW MANAGERS COLLECTORS Seling William A. Rogers Silverware and other nationally advertised merchandise, opening new territory, top commission, plenty of merchandise, immediate delivery, See Mr. Ratz, Mid- West Utilities 3335 Jackson. SALESMEN WANTED Manufacturer, famous line fast National men's sport shirts, desires qualified State Distributor, no investment required, can earn excess $1000 monthly. Must be capable hiring and training direct to consumer sales personnel.

Write fully giving experlence and Sales Mgr. HOLLYWOOD SPORTOGS INC. 2922 Division Los Angeles 41, California. SALESMAN WANTED Rubber Footwear Salesman for the state of Tennessee for distributor of nationally known line. Warehouse service in season.

Commission basis. preference given the leather shoe salesman or salesman who prefers companion line. In reply give phone number. age, experience, education. Must have car.

Write G-144, care this paper. SALESMAN- Under 45. experienced in selling the retail and wholesale ETOcers, to represent a wide-awake organization. Advancements given when ability has been proven. Possibilities unlimited.

Salary, bonus, expenses and car allowance. State age, past experfence in first letter. All replies confidential G-143, care this paper. ROUTE SALESMEN Guaranteed salary plus commissions. No drinkers need apply.

Have two openings. Experience not necessary. Hurlburt Cleaners Laundry, 656 Mad- ison. COLLECTORS Have opening for wide awake men In good territory. Car furnished.

top commissions paid. See Manager. MidWest Utilities 3335 Jackson. SALESMAN wanted. Factory tire branch has opening for 3 salesmen to travel Ark.

Term. Must have car and come well recommended. Splended salary with expenses. Give full details first letter. M.

84 care of this paper. HIGH type and popular priced millinery and handbag lines available for traveling man in Tennessee, Aricansas and Kentucky. Commission basis. St. Mar Tucker, 503.

North 12th Louis, Missouri. Female Help Wanted GOLDSMITH'S We have an opening in our Beauty Salon for an experienced manicurist. Excellent working conditions. Apply Personnel Office Fifth Floor COMPTOMETER OPERATORS Experienced desiring parttime work. Apply in person, Room 622 Goodwyn Institute, between 9 a.m.

and 5 p.m. COLLEGE GRADUATES (21-30 Years of Age) Arthur Murray has openings for men and women supervising teachers and interviewers. minimum salary, $50; interviewers, $50 to start. No previous experience or knowledge of our business is necessary, but must have natural dance ability. Please apply in person, 7 p.m, Arthur Murray, 46 N.

Third St. WANTED- Stenographer by well estabIlshed oil firm, for sales and sales promotion department. age up to 37 years. Good working conditions, hospitalization and retirement. Call E.

A. Russell, 35-1681, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. SENIOR STENOGRAPHER Young lady between ages 20 and 25 with business school training. Would prefer someone with bookkeeping background.

Excellent pay with numerous Sears benefits and career possibilities. APPLY IN PERSON SEARS MAIL ORDER EMP. OFFICE STENOGRAPHER Experience unnecessary, must be able to take dictation. Promotion rapid. Oser Schwartz.

Phone 9-2408. TYPIST WANTED -Please send age, references and photograph. Write G-136, care this paper. Saleswomen Wanted -20A SALESLADY Experienced in ladies ready to wear. Apply Buckley's, 112 S.

Main. Household Help Wanted -21 A NEAT maid for cook and general house work, good salary for one who is thoroughly experienced. Car fare refunded for Interview. 217 N. McLean, upstairs apartment.

WANTED middle aged responsible white woman to live in home and stay with 9-year-old boy while mother works. Room, board and small salary. 909 N. Seventh. 8-3761.

WANTED Colored woman for housework and maid. Prefer someone to live on place. Nice room and bath. Apply in person at 248 South Highland. MIDDLE aged lady to live in home and care for child, small salary.

48-6587. 10 PRIVATE home cooks Apply after 9:30. 313 Baltimore Ragsdale Employment Service. COLORED woman to cook and do general housework. References, health card.

Apply 15 So. Evergreen. NEAT colored help. Steady, small apartment. References.

820 N. Parkway. 8-5324. COLORED woman, cook and housework. Small family.

References required. 574 S. Belvedere. COLORED girl or woman maid. Cooking and helping tend children.

Apply 78 N. Cooper St. MIDDLEAGED white woman to keep house and wait on sick lady. 4-4292. COLORED girl to do general housework and cook evening meal.

2-5691. RELIABLE white lady to nurse year baby; live in home. 4-2575. Situation Wanted, Male -22 MANAge 50 years, many years experience as office manager, bookkeeper and accountant. familiar all office detail.

Salary open. Consider temporary or part time employment. 2-9158. EXPERIENCED farm manager wants new location as manager or tractor man. J.

M. Garland, Route 1, Box 933, Lucy, Tenn. Ten miles northeast ct Memphis of Locke Road. THOROUGHLY experienced accountant and office manager. All phases accounting and tabulating.

Preparing and analyzing reports. Best references. P-46, care this paper. COLLEGE student desires temporary employment. 7-1912.

ACCOUNTANT -Bookkeeper, middle age, desires good connection. Phone 2-6849. Situation Wanted, Female -23 LEGAL secretary, recently moved to Memphis, wants position. 3 years college, 6 years legal experience with good firm of lawyer and judge of Court of Appeals. Excellent references.

7-6237-J WANTED General office work by middie-aged, unencumbered, refined widow. best references. Write G-129, care this paper. ELDERLY lady desires position as housekeeper, to elderly lady. Don't object to leaving city.

Room 342 Gagoso Hotel. COLORED woman wants cooking job in private home, $18.00. 7-0570-5. Services Offered -26 LET US reupholster your living room furniture. Everything new except your frame and springs.

All completely redone. Prices from $58.95 depending on material selected. Call 8-2196 or 9-4327 for salesman with samples to call on you in your home without obigation day or night. Lawrence Furniture Co. UPHOLSTERING Custom-made furniture built to order.

Also reupholstering, refinishing and repairing of living, dining and bed100m Turniture. Paul's Upholstery Shop, 2549 Brosd. 34-1572. ACME Mattress Upholstery Co, Sterilzing for your health's sake. Don't take less than Call us.

76 8. Cooper. 1-3461. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. law gradbate desires set of books.

Financial statements. tar returns prepared. 2-0543. REPAIRING, refinishing furniture, holstery, washing machines, light fixtures, small plumbing john. 9-8400, Dugan Manns.

OLD furnaces, radiators, copper, brass, sinks. lead, batteries. scrap from bought. C. Jones.

9-7541. -26 upRepairs, Business for Sale SANDWICH BAR RIPLEY, MISS. Well located, on the square, doing excellent business. Ideal for sandwich and orange bar, Long and low rent. 7-1026-H.

E. WILBANKS-34-4179 7-1026 W. A. REED-7-1364-M HARDWARE store on reading highway. Well established business.

Will consider trade for cal estate. Owner, 48-3050. LIQUOR STORE 354 South Third Money to Loan -34 TRANSPORTATION AGENTS FOR BRANIFF International Airways At Memphis Age 21 to 30, minimum height 5 8 inches, good health. Some college preferred, 2 years of business or military transportation experience desired. Must be willing to work rotating shifts.

Apply in person to station manager. GLENN ARCHEY Municipal Airport, Memphis, Tenn. FORD Parts Man With knowledge and ability to take complete charge of small parts department. Salary and profit sharing. Apartment available.

Call or writeHUDSON CO. Macon, Miss. FACTORY Sales Representative to take over distribution of complete line of motor trucks in this territory. Old, well-established manufacturer. Previous experience in automotive business desirable, particularly in dealer relation field.

Car necessary for traveling. Attractive commission contract with expense allowance for transportation. portunity to right party to up a permanent, worthwhile business with substantial income. Advise age, previous business experience and financial ability. Write G-162 care this paper.

WANTED Experienced combination linoleum and asphalt tile layer, top wages, expenses out of town. Call 34-5587. Mr. Garrison, H. L.

Cooke Tile Co. COLLEGE GRADUATES (21-30 Years of Age) Arthur Murray has openings for men and women supervising teachers and interviewers. Supervisors, minimum salary $50, interviewers, $50 to start. No previous experience or knowledge of our business is necessary, but must have natural dance ability. Please apply in person, 7 p.m.

Arthur Murray, 46 N. Third St. WANTED Colored Timber Cutters For jobs On Four Fifths Plantation, seven miles north of Greenwood on Highway 49 East. Conditions good. SHANNON BROS.

LUMBER CO. Memphis, Tenn. SALES MANAGER Opening for building supply and hardware department manager. Salary and commission, offers excellent future for aggressive and capable man. DESARC LUMBER co.

Desarc, Arkansas WANTED--CAB DRIVERS Age 30 to 55. Good Income Must Know City Apply in Person JOLLY CAB CO. 300 Court Avenue NATIONALLY known photographic concern has openings for young men to travel throughout Tennessee starting in January. Guaranteed salaries, transportation furnished. Rapid promotions.

Excellent future. Write Box 391, Chattanooga, Tenn. WANTED highly rated accountant for sawmill office. Must have had gears of experience and De well recommended. WILL pay good salary to right party.

Write G-130, care this paper. WANTED- One first-class Ford mechanic. Must be good, fast. sober and steady. Please do not apply for the job unless you mean business and would move on short notice.

State qualifications in first letter, or interview us if preferred. Wilson Motor Wilson, Ark. ESTABLISHED Memphis wholesale drygoods firm wants young or middle-aged man experienced in selling and buying dry goods. Write W-30, care this paper. SALESMAN Experienced men's ready to wear.

Apply Buckley's, 112 So. Main. VETERANS $200 to $250 per month while training. See Industrial Training Inst. ad under Column No.

8. BUTCHER-Nonunion, white, to operate meat market. Must be sober. Bet-R Valu Food Market, 2540 Cares. 34-6476.

WANTED salesman with retail selling experience in a men's and boy's store, handling shoes and wear. Salary plus commission. Must be available Jan. 17. Write W-118, care this paper.

COLLEGE student available in afternoons to wrap packages and help in stock room. Apply in person. Addressograph Sales Agency, 194 Union. MAN with transportation, claim experfence to do 0. S.

D. work. Give age and experience. Write, W-16 care this paper. 2 COLORED short order restaurant cooks, good pay for fast, experienced men.

Call 8-5352 after 9 a.m. EXPERIENCED service station help wanted, white only. 37-5983. BARBER wanted. Central Barber Shop.

289 S. Bellevue. Ph. 35-9396. QUICK XMAS CASH Seasonal Expenses Are Easier To Take With A LOAN The Friendly Way Convenient Payments Beginning Next Year No Parking Problem AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK LOANS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT LOANS 10,000 Square Ft.

Free Parking Space FRIENDLY FINANCE COMPANY 403 Union (Brokers) Call 5-5631-2 MONEY FOR Any Worthwhile Purpose USE OUR Low Cost Bank Plan Call 5-7311 Furniture Loans Auto Loans Home Modernization Loans You Will Like Our Quick. Friendly. Confidential Service Commercial Industrial Bank GROUND FLOOR, STERICK BLDG. QUICK CASH For Your XMAS NEEDS $60 TO $2500 Fast and courteous service rendered -On your automobile, furniture or other collateral. Compare and Be Convinced SEABOARD Finance Company Second St.

37-7641-8-0478 241. Sterick Bldg, MEMPHIS TRUST CHRISTMAS LOANS MADE QUICKLY Especially Fast Service At This Season 10 South Second 5-7433 FIRST OR SECOND mortgage loans are ranzed on small nomes, vacant lots, subarban acreage from $100 to $2500. Notes refinanced. Payments reduced. More money advanced.

White or colored. We buy real estate notes. No charge for a chat. B. Maize 710 Goodwyn Institute 5-0711.

Nights 31-1331 REAL ESTATE LOANS 24-HOUR SERVICE Your Notes Too High? Do You Need More Money? Have You Notes For Sale? MARION FRAZIER-225 Sterick Office 5-8601 Residence 48-8510 (Continued on Following Page) 6,0.

The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.